Support for DSACK families comes in a variety of forms, including helping new parents understand a diagnosis of Down syndrome, connecting people who are on similar journeys, and offering a helping hand for families in crisis. We see ourselves as one big family, a tribe of people brought together by a shared experience.



Much of DSACK's mission centers on educating ourselves, as well as educating others. The numerous programs and services we offer not only advance the achievement of individuals with Down syndrome but also increase the support skills of their families, enhance support for their teachers and other advisers, and encourage a deeper understand of Down syndrome.


DSACK celebrates successes big and small, whether through our magazine or on social media. We also celebrate with our families at several events, including the Family Fun Day and Walk, the Nothing Down About It Gala, World Down Syndrome Day, and the Holiday Party. There's never a shortage of reasons to celebrate.

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Thank You to Our Grant Providers:

MacAdam Early Childhood and Literacy Fund